Pearl Pearl Pearl

A clean light crisp ale inspired by our trip to Köln Germany.

Batch Size: 5 gallon

OG: 1.062

FG: 1.011

ABV: 6.7%


  • 8 lbs - Best Pilsen Malt 1.8 srm
  • 1 lbs - Vienna
  • 12 oz - Crystal 10L
  • 4 oz - CaraPils


  • 1 oz - US Pearle 7.10% AA - 60 minute
  • 0.5 oz - Nelson Sauvin 11.6% AA - 10 minute
  • 0.5 oz - Nelson Sauvin 11.6% AA - 0 minute


  • 1 packet of Imperial Dieter (#G03)

Dry Hop

  • 1 oz - Nelson Sauvin 11.6% AA - 10 days

Brew Steps

Standard 60 minute mash at 152, fly sparge at 168 and boil for 60 minutes.

Single stage fermentation at 68 for 14 days, rack to keg and cold condition for 14 days then carbonate at 12.5 PSI

I've also tried this recipe with Huell Melon but I prefer the Nelson Sauvins white wine aromas.

Recommended Listening: